"Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't." Bill Nye
Building Our Community
We support and co-host industry events including Bloom North and The Women in Programmatic Network in the North. We are always looking for new speakers to inspire our attendees.

The Women In Programmatic Network North
Designed to support women in the programmatic and digital advertising industry with networking opportunities, discussing the biggest challenges for women in the industry and pushes to eradicate the gender pay gap, the Women in Programmatic Network is free to join and open to all levels from intern to CEO.

Bloom North
Bloom North are a professional network of women in the communications sector committed to uniting the voices and the opportunities that make change possible.
We’ll challenge the gendered stereotypes that prevent a truly diverse industry through our events, debates, and public panels.
Through our network, mentorships, and workshops, we’ll create the opportunities needed to expand the narrowness of our industry.
To be truly equal we need to break down our conditioned reluctance to speak up on behalf of ourselves and our peers.
We invite anyone who shares the vision of gender equality to connect with us to spearhead change that empowers women to be whoever they want to be.